Resources for a police-free world.
Where does your Metro Council Member stand?
The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale
We Do This ‘TIl We Free Us by Mariame Kaba
Until We Reckon by Danielle Sered
Radiolab: “to protect and to serve”
Police Unions and Civilian Deaths
The 490 Project on Kentucky Alliance Radio Show (September 2021)
How Police Unions Fight Reform
How Police Unions Enable and Conceal Abuses of Power
Police Contracts Shield Officers From Scrutiny and Discipline
The Infuriating History of Why Police Unions Have So Much Power
What Is Qualified Immunity, and What Does It Have to Do With Police Reform?
Police Union Contracts, Duke Law Journal
Police Institutions and Police Abuse, University of Oxford
Collective Bargaining Rights and Police Misconduct, University of Chicago
Current LMPD Collective Bargaining Agreement - Captains and Lieutenants (Expires 6/30/2023)
Current LMPD Collective Bargaining Agreement - Officers and Sergeants (Expires 6/30/2023)
Former LMPD Collective Bargaining Agreement - Captains and Lieutenants (Expired 3/31/21)
Former LMPD Collective Bargaining Agreement - Officers and Sergeants (Expired 6/30/21)
CBA Negotiation Ground Rules - Captains and Lieutenants