Sign the Petition: Open It Up!
Sign the Petition: Tell Mayor Greenberg to Open It Up!
For the past three years, the people of Louisville have been calling for increased transparency into the negotiations between the River City Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), who represents the cops in LMPD, and the City of Louisville. For too long, these negotiations have been happening behind closed doors, with the public locked out of every step until it reaches Metro Council. What has that gotten us? Little to no substantial change and a scathing Department of Justice consent decree showing a pattern and practice of civil rights violations by LMPD.
This contract is full of outdated practices and lacks officer accountability. There’s no transparency in how, where, or if disciplinary records, complaints, or other relevant records are stored. This lack of transparency makes it difficult or impossible for the journalists and public to hold LMPD accountable.
The first step to bringing real change to LMPD is by placing community observers on the Mayor’s negotiation team. It is clear the Mayor and his team are not interested in radical transformation for this failing department.
Mayor Greenberg has claimed, on the campaign trail and today, to be taking Louisville in a “New Direction” with increased transparency and community involvement. However, his negotiation team didn’t bother trying to make this process more transparent. The ground rules for these negotiations, where the parties agreed to closed negotiations, were signed despite the community asking for years to be open to the press and public. The community has been asking, Mayor after Mayor, for a seat at the negotiation table, and yet the door remains firmly closed.
Are you as frustrated as we are? Join us. Sign our petition demanding that community observers be added to the Mayor’s negotiation team. We want accountability. We are tired of being told change will come – how many more people will die or be assaulted by the hands of police? We need change NOW.
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